Finding Your Intention

As much as the summertime inspires me to be craftier, it also gives me time to read for pleasure, something I don’t generally have time for during the busy school year.  Recently I picked up the “Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga”, which is a great guide to everything yoga; from types of yoga, to yoga myths debunked, advice and even recipes, this book is full of useful information for the yoga newbie to the yoga addict alike.

I found this neat little questionnaire in the book (page 11) and I thought I would share it with you.  As we are so often asked to do in yoga, the questionnaire asks, “What is your intention?”  So often I think “who the heck knows what my intention is?!” … half the time I’m surprised I even managed to drag my butt to class, surely I can’t be asked to know what I intend to do with the next 60 minutes of my practice?

As I have gotten more comfortable with yoga I have developed certain common intentions that I carry with me to each and every class.  Most often my intention is to leave peaceful, and I do this by closing out every other nagging worry or item on my to-do list for the duration of class (easier said than done I know).  Recently my intention has been positivity and optimism (something I really need to work on!)

But finding your intention is not always easy.  Try using this guide to get you started:big book of yoga

  1. I am practicing yoga because:
  2. I am happiest when I think about:
  3. My goal for the next month is:
  4. My intention for the next year is:
  5. My top two challenge poses are:
  6. My most humbling experience on the mat was:
  7. My fears in life are:
  8. I love:
  9. What makes me smile instantly is:
  10. My favourite part of my own body is:
  11. My top 5 unique gifts are:
  12. My favourite yoga pose is:
  13. My least favourite yoga pose is:

My advice to you in answering these questions is to be truthful.  It is of no use to you if you write down what you think you’re supposed to write.  Record the very first thing that comes to your mind when you read the prompt – that is likely your truest answer.  I was going to give you my answers but I think this is an intensely personal exercise, so I’m going to reflect upon them myself and think you should do the same.  Good luck!

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